Curriculum Information

At Town End Academy, we provide a bespoke curriculum which acknowledges our school’s unique characteristics and meets the needs of our pupils. The aim is to provide opportunities for all children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations. Through the curriculum we deliver, Town End pupils will become understanding British citizens who make a positive contribution to their community and wider society. Aspirational expectations will combine the acquisition of knowledge and the progressive development of skills to create a purposeful and imaginative learning journey for every child.

Our curriculum drivers are:-

  • SMSC (Social, moral, spiritual and cultural development)
  • Oracy
  • Childhood Experiences
  • Basic Skills
  • Well-being

In addition, we have identified key priorities unique to the needs of our community. We must:

  • Learn within a coherent and progressive framework enriched with memorable learning experiences
  • Connect meaningfully with our local community so that our pupils develop a strong sense of themselves and their place within modern Britain
  • Broaden cultural partnerships, so that our pupils are introduced to the diverse and rich culture opportunities within their locality
  • Raise aspirations by increasing awareness of the diversity of local career opportunities available

Our balanced curriculum enables children to develop a deep understanding of all subjects enabling them to identify the connections between different parts of their learning. We have placed reading at the centre of our curriculum, creating opportunities for children to both learn to read and read to learn. Also of importance to us is the value of planned, purposeful enrichment and outdoor learning opportunities, which have been carefully chosen to enhance and extend our curriculum and excite our young learners. In parallel to the delivery of our academic curriculum is our strong personal development emphasis, explicitly teaching children the skills of becoming a “good learner” and equipping them with the skills required to contribute meaningfully to their community.


At WISE Academies we believe that assessment is one of the integral elements that form Quality First Teaching. Assessment is not a separate entity; it is central to classroom practice and interwoven into and employed at each and every lesson taught.

Town End Academy Curriculum Subject Information